What a run you have had ,poor Corona,poor you guys .....You are probably right about the dinner coming back up ,she probably did wolf it down with...
Ha ha but even then Tatze is stil so good....granted she looks like she needs to be saved by Mum but she's not doing anything about it hereself...
Oh Emily,your report on Hurricane Mickey has made me chuckle,what a character! And you are a legend for helping out your friend xxxx
Ah like Ternaya says so many of us have been there .....we've all had a class or 5 that has gone exactly like that.My first set of obedience...
What a fright for you all,crickey she doesnt do things by halves does she? Glad she came through it ok,x
Hi Dan, It's tough going when they hit the age your lab is,you've got a dog with a puppy brain and energy at almost fully grown size . There's...
She has grown in to a beautiful dog,she always looks so glossy ,hope,you had a lovely day x
What a horrible,horrible accident ,I'm very sorry for your Friends x
Hello and welcome to the Forum ,I have a yellow boy Dexter who is 4 x
Oh Simba you look so distinguished,little bit of grey in your muzzle now xxxx What a difference to his first Christmas when he gradually...
But what about the bells Charlie? You must like them ? Xxx
How did you wangle getting Lilly In your bed? I can't believe Sophie allowed that :-)
Pleased you are seeing him enjoy his outside time more.It's a big world out there ...once he realises all the fun there is to be had ,your posts...
Hi There, Welcome to the Forum...Nova sounds quite the girl,and pretty typical . My Husband and I live abroad from a lot of family and...
Hi there,just stopping by to say sympathies ....as everyone else says it won't always be like this.I second Mags about starting with your clicker...
These are all so lovely ,looking through them again making me miss my boy.I'm in the UK at the moment ...my surrogate lab is an big red Irish...
This was such a great idea to post this sequence Julie.So often we get asked for and discuss training advice but it's hard to express the amount...
Welcome to the Forum from Dexter and I x
Hi there, My dog is 4 and he flew in cargo last year on a 7 hour flight ....this was actually his second time as he flew to us in the Middle East...
Karen I was so very sad for you when Poppy's seizure forced you to the decision not to breed.You were the finest example of a conscientious...