Oh Helen,what a tough day ,big hug xxx
Welcome to the Forum,we have Dexter ,our first dog and we live in Dubai x
Hi there, Welcome to the Forum . I've got server problems so I can't pop over onto the main site to check if there is any reading I can link you...
The 'big boy handsome ' face is starting x
Gosh ,that has been lucky ...will she needs meds to manage it? Hope the tummy troubles sort out soon too....they seem to have been rumbling on a...
Mags I've just realised that I haven't written on your thread,I think because I have on your Facebook page, I have been reading and following xxx...
Poor Arnie ,he must be feeling very sorry for himself,do dog antihistamines make them drowsy like some human ones do? At least that way he might...
I bet she won't be you know ....Dexter stays in our house when we go away and he looks bereft when we leave,he won't get up to see us,he won't wag...
Ah I remember the first time I left Dexter,I cried all the way to the airport and we are notorious ( and ridiculed ALL THE TIME :rofl: ) for...
Ah and they do love it and can really enjoy it,so don't be put off if you are lucky enough to be able to take them.I would just say don't throw...
Have you got a dehydrator? Is that what you call them? I've got a function on my new cooker and it was in my mind to give it a go with some liver?...
Hi Takirb, Glad you have found the Forum to help you work things through ....you sound much more positive about Addie's future with you further...
I'm so sorry to read your post,what a wonderful life he had with you and he would have loved you very much.Don't feel guilty ,imagine him knowing...
Can they? I've always thought that dogs react to people that are scared due to body language ,I didn't realise they could hear that well .....
Ah glad she is home and seeming more herself.I was with my friend once at the beach and her dogs were terribly ill after retrieving tennis balls...
Hmmm I don't reckon fresh squid would have the punge Fiona,I think it's got to be the good old dehydrated version? I'm trying Salmon4pets freeze...
Welcome from Dexter and I,Luna is absolutely gorgeous,what a beautiful face x
Ah looks like he had a lovely time before his op.I hope he is ok when you collect him,Dexter was still like a tsunami of energy when I picked him up x
Big congratulations Fiona,both of them are little cutie pie pops x
Back to say that tree was gorgeous Rosie x