I'm a Christmas freak,I do everyone's head in with it! So a tree was always going to happen .... Dexter was 15 months though so I can't pretend I...
Hi there, Whilst Fiona isn't about here is a link to one of her posts offering advice to someone starting out with 2 puppies...don't be put off...
Hello and Welcome from Dexter and I ,he is our first dog and we live in Dubai with him EnjoynthenForum and enjiyngetting to know Ebbie x
Hello AnnaLiz, Welcome to the Forum.It sounds like it's a good time for you to find us....tell us a bit more about your dog and any struggles you...
Yes,Dexter didn't really eat any either and to be honest if he did eat a bit ,it's only soggy paper....I'm confident it would have passed through...
Just seeing this now,I hope a couple of days of meds have helped and Lady is a lot improved x
Hi Adele, Love your old lab's name I had to google it though! Glad you've found the Forum,enjoy getting to know Finn Bye for now Angela and Dexter x
I'm a sucker for flapping ears,love the one of her running towards the camera x
He he he,from the title of the thread,I thought Arnie had changed colour to ivory! :rofl:
Be delighted anyway Helen,really well done! So now he's demonstrated his natural ability and instinct I reckon you know what you should work on...
Here you go.... http://www.thelabradorsite.com/one-labrador-puppy-or-two/ x
Hi there, Congratulations on your 2 new pups....sounds like it's a bit hectic at the moment?Dexter is our first dog and he's an only dog so I'm...
Welcome to you from Dexter and I in Dubai.Chelsea looks lovely ,and like she has a wonderful life with you x
Welcome from us too,Dexter and I ,your dog looks very like my boy x
Hi there, A lovely compliment to be asked and I think it has value as an experience for her but I'm recoiling a bit about the £1 a 'stroke' idea...
That is some chewing! Dexter is pretty determined but he's never got chunks off a nylabone ,,they just get whittled away over time ,they get...
Thanks Fiona .....ah yes ,bless him ,it's hard not to make conclusions just from the photos and the sketchy details ...but I think adoption could...
Hi Amanda, You haven't got the best adviser here as Dexter is our first dog and came to me pretty much toilet trained at 5 months but I didn't...
Belated Birthday Greetings Annie x
Oh ,I can't see the photos Meg,let us know how you get on x