Hi Krista, For me 4 hours is too long,if you've had no problems this far and this is a change then she might be trying to let you know she feels...
Ternaya you did really well ,I'd have messed that up by being tense I'm sure...I've always loved Collies,their energy and intelligence...but they...
Hi Meg, In adopting a dog of this age you are choosing to obtain your dog in a different way to the 'normal ' Forum recommended manner.Pippa goes...
Ah Loki and the Great Glove Adventure! Glad he was ok and you did the right thing taking him in x
Hi Diane, Has there been a change in his eyes ,is that why you have noticed this? Is he rubbing them ?any discharge? There are eye ailments that...
I can't even get started on this thread ,you'd never get me off! Ah I love him to bits really .........
Ah you must be delighted ,enjoy your freedom and your class and let us know how you get on. Good Luck have fun x
Cannot wait....I think 'Labradorols From Around the World ' would be a great thread,singers of calibres welcome!
Ah I'm sure you've missed your black Lab very much ,what a wonderful long life he had with you though x Kai'a is a lovely name and very unique x
Ah hope she's continued to perk up and you all had a peaceful night? They put the fear upon you sometimes these dogs of ours x
Oh Maga all the videos and pictures are super.Bruce is just divine and his Dad is gorgeous xxx It's a bit different seeing you with a black puppy...
Hi there, I switched Dexter to junior around 6 months and to his adult food at 12, he is only a small build though and slim ,if anything I have to...
Bravo,Rosie and Pongo,now please a video of you both performing the whole piece! That really is funny.....thank you for starting the run up to...
Hi there, I agree with Ternaya,setting up some nice play situations would really help.I'd have a look round your area for some basic obedience...
My OH hasn't let Dexter escape but he's often in the bad books on dog related issues!! :rofl: Glad all dogs were ok and safely returned home x
Yes please,let's see Hattie soon Helen.She reall ,is a wonderful dog,sounds like she's bringing a lotof happiness and comfort to a lot of people,x
So lovely to read this ,happy she's getting to meet friends and happy,for you to see her enjoying herself x
Too cute Titan...... Hope you got lots of treats?x
Ah she's just beautiful,She seems as keen on food as Dexter! He is lying on me in a deep sleep but threw his head back when he heard the squeaky...
Oh come on Jonathan.....where's the picture of when he came OUT of the pit? :rofl: