Re: Any tips Jen she had had diarrhoea, 4 bouts this morning of non smelling watery stools but nothing since. She is fine in herself if not a...
Re: Any tips Yes I phoned the vets this morning, who said just water for 24 hours then start on a light bland diet. Will give her some egg...
Re: Any tips I'm thinking of using the night time as well as I had only given her half her breakfast, will give some scrambled egg for tea. Wish...
On starving a lab for 24 hours? It's only been a morning and she is famished!!!!!!
Re: Advice please 2 for 1 Thanks Kate, I've phoned the vets and we have to starve her for 24 hours then start on scrambled egg, chicken and rice...
Morning all, 1) Hollie has had explosive diarrhoea this morning 4 episodes, 2 before a reduced amount of breakfast and 2 after, although the...
Re: Fish allergy Yes maybe not an allergy but more of an intolarence?
Re: Puppy Dry Food Advice We put Hollie on Simpsons as this had 5* on the dog food directory, was quite expensive but we wanted the best for her...
Have you ever heard of a fish allergy? I've posted before about hollies poo situations and food. We have changed her to skinners (high meat...
Re: Help with biting Hi, Hollie is half lab half crocodile so I know how you feel. I'm no expert but we have found being calmer around her...
Re: 5 months old and still snuggle buddies :) What lovely photos, makes this 13 hour shift I'm about to start slightly easier :)
Re: Get to take Rue to the dog park for the first time this weekend! Wish we had dog parks here, Hollie would love it
Hollie doesn't like the car and shy's away from it but then doesn't want to get out when we stop???? We obviously lift her in and out but any...
Re: Puppy going backwards. Hollie is having a brat day today........she better snap out of it we have puppy class tonight
Re: Amazing...... No kicking I just let it roll!!!
Re: Amazing...... Tom, we worked it out that she should be on 150g a meal but we only feed 115g. 15g a meal goes to her treat/training bowl so...
The things you get excited about when you have a puppy. Today I got excited about the vetbed I have ordered and coming tomorrow And Her poo...
Re: Pup whines when playing with squeaky toys. Hollie does that with kong, think it's out of frustration
Re: skinners She is only smelly at night, and not as much as before so hopefully we have cracked it :)
Re: Crating while we eat dinner? We have always crated Hollie for meal times, her crate is in the dining room so she can still see us but tends...