Re: Outside before shots We waited the full 7 days to take hollie out for 'walks' but had her out all the time being carried. Unfortunately some...
Re: Poo!!!!! Sorry Thanks for the replies, pippa we have had Hollie for 5 weeks now and she is 14 weeks, I'm hoping it was a one off Esther
We are in the process of changing hollies food from what should be renamed as cardboard to Simpsons 80/20 She has been great on this so far and...
Re: Puppy party So since my last post hollie has been to pets at home (not being carried) for the first time and met some nice people, the puppy...
Re: Puppy party Hollie is nearly 15 weeks, we are doing puppy classes but there are only 2 other puppies and they aren't allowed to interact....
What do you think of puppy parties? I feel we need to get hollie meeting more dogs but the ones around home are older or not well...
What training treats do you all use? Just back from first puppy class (without Hollie to start) and they said to not use the same as home as...
Re: Yet another food question I've got the guide in front of me and it actually says ' expected adult weight' ::) Which of course will be...
Re: Yet another food question Sorry it's 120g a day!!! the guide says 10-20kg weight and 3 months old is between 120 and 200kg a day Hollie...
Re: Attention new puppy owners! Let your puppy off the lead. Quick question on recall, This is Hollie's first week out after jabs, we have great...
Ok so we are in the process of changing Hollie onto Simpsons premium 80/20/0 kibble from the trash the breeder had her on. >:( My question is the...
Re: Running and funny hip I will try and get a video (and post on here) And speak to vet when next in X
Re: Running and funny hip Thanks everyone, Not sure if you have seen the utube clip with the Irish pug who can't run, have a look if you...
Hi all, Hollie has had her second walk and first off lead run......she loved it!!!! And her recall was fab :) My concern is when she runs her...
Re: Kibble feeders Hi all We have decided on........Simpsons premium 80/20/0 we have ordered a trial bag and just waiting for it to be...
Re: Stuffed kongs Hiya Can you put in the salmon & beef sandwich paste in the kongs? Thanks X
Re: Kibble feeders Jacqui where do you get the Simpsons from? It really is a mine field :o
Re: Stuffed kongs Is 2 full hours of kong stimulation too much? :) Thanks X
Re: Dried Spratts Tom do you reduce bouncers kibble if you give treats?? How is his belly with all the lovely foods he gets? I worry about...
Re: Slow feeder Well the slow feeder is going back ??? She couldn't even get her tongue in the get the kibble out!!!! Never mind, will think...