Hi guys, I have a problem and wondered if anyone could give me some advice. I own two labs, one 2 year old and one 11 1/2 year old. The 11 1/2...
Well, you may remember a couple months ago I posted about my wild black lab I had rehomed. And i mean WILD. I was considering rehoming him as he...
Re: Should I rehome my lab Hi guys, Thank you so much for all the posts. I was so so worried people were going to tell me I was a bad owner! I...
:-\ Hi guys. Looking for some advice. We rehomed a lab over a year ago. he is a true working lab, as high as a kite constantly. When we got him...
:'( aaaahhhhhh......I love my dog so much but his complete obsession with other dogs is driving me mad! Feeling very sorry for myself as this...
Re: Entropion Hi there, my old lab was diagnosed with entropion. Its very uncomfortable as the eyelashes are constantly rubbing on the eyeball....
Re: How to get a really reliable recall I have pre ordered from amazon! cant wait! :D
Hello! I'm looking for help!! I rehomed a black lab a year ago. when we got him he had received no training whatsoever and had picked up pretty...