Just noticed these under megs chin. http://oi60.tinypic.com/3590n5d.jpg She is 8 months old now and never had any previous skin conditions. Could...
Re: First proper trip to the vets for meg :-( Vet isn't too concerned and reckons it's a bit of colitis from something she's eaten or picked up...
Re: First proper trip to the vets for meg :-( On our way in 10 minutes. Wish us luck! :-[
Re: First proper trip to the vets for meg :-( Thanks everyone. :) She seems absolutely fine other than the runs. Playing and misbehaving as...
Bad diarrhoea first thing this morning, messed indoors a while ago which she never does, followed by more diarrhoea outside, followed by bright...
Re: 5 months. Sofa - claimed. Meg is lucky enough to have her own couch. It was an old one we put in the kitchen temporarily after we'd moved in....
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg Have you got any pictures? I've been watching meg closely since I first noticed the eye thing and it seems...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg Bit of advice needed again. The diarrhoea has gone now that we've stopped with the rawhide treats. However...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg Massive difference! Hopefully it'll play out that way with meg. I'll just keep them clean as you suggested...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg Did charlie simply grow into his skin then? Looked at some pictures of meg from a few weeks back and...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg She doesn't seem fussed by it at all which I'm glad about. Just to be on the safe side though where can I...
Re: Couple of minor worries with meg Thanks for the advice guys. She's shown no signs of irritation with her eyes. Hasn't rubbed or anything...
Not even worries really, just things I've noticed and wanted to check if anyone else has experienced anything similar. Firstly, me and my...
Meg is 6 months old and has been on purina pro plan since we picked her up from the kennels at 2 months. She has this 3 times a day. Trouble is...
Re: Poo Eating Dammit! Turned my back for three seconds and she's at it again. >:(
Re: Poo Eating You got a photo of rolo? Any idea what this product is called? Sounds like a solution!
Re: Poo Eating Thanks! The poo is never on the floor for more than a few seconds but if my back is turned I'm not always able to get there in...
I'm sure this is a subject that is well covered but I'm asking anyway. This past day or two my 12 week old pup Meg has started eating her poo off...