Thanks Wispa. What do I need to do to have another buffday tomorrow? Holly
It's my buffday today. I had a lovely muddy walk this morning. I got toona for my tea tonight. Mum and dad let me have some chicken,...
She's a very calm dog. She doesn't chase things and takes everything in her stride. I'm just glad that the stag didn't see her as a threat.
Holly met a stag today. It had its back to her and she was nose to the floor following a scent so neither knew the other was there. When I saw...
Welcome from Holly and me in Monmouth. The ideas behind toilet training are fairly straightforward, but just require persistence. We've never...
Welcome from Holly and me in Monmouth.
Poor Penny. Mops and brooms are such fun!
I'm having a wonderful Holly day. I'm in darbishur where everybody wants to feed me. We stopped on our really long walk today and someone came...
There's definitely something going on. Thee are THREE rucksacks and several pair of dog walking boots on the floor. I'm sticking close to dad...
We lifted Holly for the first 18 months or so, then let her jump into the car. We don't let her jump out, though there has been the odd occasion...
Clever girl Cassie!
How dreadful for them.
Happy gotcha day Casper. I remember that cake. It was Holly's second birthday party at Wentwood so Ruth made a chicken and bacon cake. I can...
Labs are great dogs when they settle down. OH and I can't imagine life without a Lab in the house - they have a wonderful sense of fun, love...
Something's happening. Dad has just been into the roof and has got hollyday bags down. I need to watch my people very closely in case they...
Hello Joy. I'm Holly and I like swimming, eating poop, long daddywalks, eating, sleeping on mum & dad, and eating. I'm nearly five years and I...
We have a hatchback. Holly is allowed to jump into the car but we've never taught her to jump out. She waits until one of us lifts her down...
I agree. Eau de Renard is my favourite parfum. My BF Ted thinks I'm really interesting when I have a dab behind my ears.
That's terrible, but I can't help sniggering.
Just farty. I don't do squirty. It's not ladylike.