I have a 12 week old lab pup at home and we have been coming to an understanding lately that he needs more stimulation in order to cool off mid...
You might be able to try putting grip and twist doorknob covers on until he gets the hint – they’re $3 at Walmart. I know this must be super...
Puppies can be weird like that! One day last week my pup peed on his favourite napping pillow on purpose (and then tried to nap on it) and pooped...
My 10 week old puppy has the same issue with having a hard time peeing while he’s out of the house. He gets distracted easily – which is in his...
He always has kongs and puppy friendly chew bones in his crate – I think I will take your advice and pick up a smaller plastic crate. He likes to...
Hi all, I am on week two with my 10 week old lab pup and I am curious to know if anyone has any do-or-die advice to make this any easier. I...
I’ve had my lab pup for 10 days and for the first 5 he was having the same issue. It would take him all day and all night to finish his 2 1/2 cups...
I will try again tonight! I’ve started taking his food away before bedtime which has cut down on the amount of times he goes out. I have been...
Hi all, I have a 9 week old Labrador puppy. Once tired out he takes very well to his crate, however we haven’t successfully made it an entire...