Yes, I supervise her all the time I'm home and let her go potty. My husband thinks that it was an isolated incident but I don't trust the...
Hello all, I have to tell you guys a very unfortunate event that happened this last Friday evening. I was hanging out at home with my son and...
A friend of mine gave frontline to her two dogs and they both had diarrhea as well. Too strange to be a coincidence.
I actually found a couple on her just the other day. We have a small yard and a pet door so she can go in and out as she pleases when we are home....
Thank you guys!! You are all so kind! I would love to post some pictures of Bella, but I'm not quite sure how to. Is there a way to upload...
I hope I'm posting my question in the right section of the forum. What kind of anti fleas product/medication do you recommend using on an almost 4...
Hi, my husband, 8 year old son and I just became owners of a yellow and red lab mix a couple of months ago. It was quite an adjustment, but the...