I agree that any super calm training you can do may well help. I would also resort to bribery, and put some AMAZING jackpot food rewards (hot...
This sounds like part of her season to me... but as always, if in doubt, a quick call to the vet will set your mind at rest :) My experience is...
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear you've had a disappointing experience. This isn't my area of expertise, so I've checked with Pippa. She says that...
Hi Samantha. This sounds so irritating for you! Can you pop something like a puppy pen around where you like to stand (to keep her out of that...
This is fantastic progress - well done Monty - and well done you! :)
If it's as bad as celery, it must taste pretty awful, in fairness! (I'm not a celery fan either, Monty :D)
Sending best wishes to Henry - I hope it all went smoothly yesterday for him. ❤️
Pippa covers some of the different guidelines on when to neuter in her neutering article, here :)
You're very welcome. Taking on an older dog gives you a real opportunity to see what their temperament and personality are like before deciding...
Some updated article links for you all! If and when to neuter - our most up to date article on this topic Should I have my Lab neutered - our...
So glad to hear you have a plan that will help give you some more information ❤️
Hi Linda. It might be worth trying The Gundog Club and also Pippa's Positive Gundogs Facebook group, to see if either of them can point you...
Hi there. It sounds like it might be worth just chatting to the vet about the symptoms you're observing, and seeing what they say. They may be...
Why they are giving up the dog is a great question. Are you specifically looking at breeders that keep pups on to train up and sell as...
Hi there, welcome to the forum! A puppy and a nervous 6 year can be a difficult combo for sure - it is manageable with baby gates and supervision...
Hi there. This sounds a bit worrying for you. I wonder if it's worth asking your vet to refer you on to someone with a more specialist interest...
Hi there - welcome to the forum
Hi there. Because this is persistent, and not a one off, I do think your instinct to speak with her vet is the right call. I would do this today -...
Fantastic news! It sounds like practicing some calm leash walking with a 'stooge' dog at a bigger distance first, then moving them closer over...
Hi Lottie. I have a some questions please! How long has your pup been with your family, and what was her situation before she came to you? Is...