Hi Amber. It sounds like your vet hasn't managed to reassure you that all is well with your pup. That's really stressful for you - and it's okay...
Bumping this for 2024. Happy New Year, all! ❤️
Thank you for your update! It's so great to hear that your walk and vets went well - a credit to your patient persistence, I'm sure!
The post below is taken from Pippa's guide on crating, in the Dogsnet Facebook group. You can also find her most recent article on crate time,...
Looking for training resources? Start here! Puppy Training - Our hub page for finding help with all the common puppy training questions - from...
You're very welcome - I hope it improves things for you. It can be very easy when we're working from home to slip into the habit of using the...
Hi again! Having him on a lead when guests arrive is actually a great strategy for breaking the habit of bouncing on them, so I wouldn't worry too...
Hi Tilly. It sounds like you might find Pippa's book "Total Recall" helpful. It's about teaching your dog to come when they are called. But it's...
Hi Dennis. Overflow of tears can stain pale fur. The question for me would be whether you can treat the cause of the overflow. Did the vet say...
Hi Julia. It might be just normal for your pup. But if it's a new issue, or there's a lot of it, or it's happening at times other than when they...
Just a gentle reminder to anyone following along, that it's important to make sure peanut butter is free of xylitol, if you're giving it to your...
Hi Rhubarb. Sorry we missed this post! It sounds like things have been really tough for you all. How are things going now? Sammie.
This sounds like horrid situation for you. Well done for staying calm and consistent! How are things going now? It sounds like he's finding these...
Hi Beccilea, this sounds really hard for you. Pippa has written an article on why dogs eat grass, here, that might prompt some ideas for you. But...
Thanks so much to everyone that's emailed us a picture so far! ❤️
Hi everyone, I'm carrying out a project for one of our other sites - dogsnet.com - and we thought some of you might like to help us by...
Hi! Congratulations on your new pup :). How are things going so far? :)
Re: Clicker for Heel work? Thanks Helen. It was a long time ago, but we still miss him. He was a very enthusiastic little man - perfect for...
Re: Clicker for Heel work? Hi Helen You can teach a clicker off lead heel first - then add the lead later. I did a bit with a bouncy...
Re: WARNING - DOG COLLARS Hi Helen, How scary for you! Hope H and C are recovering now. I'm sure I've read about this before, a long time ago,...