Re: Appreciating Labradors ! Labs change with age too. Rocks used to stay perfectly close to us all the time on walks. Now if we even let her in...
Re: Leaving her in the car overnight? I'd be so frightened someone would steal her! Some travel inn type places do take dogs in the rooms - my in...
Re: just picked up are new puppy! That's a lot of books! Try not to do everything at once! She sounds lovely - good luck with the nipping, I'm...
Re: Silver labs Ooh they're cute!
Re: She occasionally makes me very pleased with her! Clever girl!
Re: boarding kennels - advice? Oh I misread your last post! I thought you were saying the kennels couldn't have her after all! So glad I was wrong!
Re: Stopping an action? We have to clear everything away too. In fact the cat is a worse surfer than the lab! Be careful offering treats for...
Re: Dealing with Enormous distractions Jez have you tried the pouches of wet cat food? They make a good jackpot reward once you've got him past...
Re: just picked up are new puppy! Hi Golden I think the trouble with goals for specific ages is that every dog is different - and every owner...
Re: Holidays with labradors! Mine goes to my mum or my sister - I think the trick is to have a really big family!
Re: boarding kennels - advice? Hi Kitty How disappointing for you! What's your plan now? Can you take pup with you?
Re: Agile Labradors! I suspect it's not as easy as they make it look...
Re: medical detection dogs and a suggestion I think this is a great idea, Carole. And the poll would be fun too!
Re: Agile Labradors! Such a gorgeous boy!
Re: worse than fox poo... Gross! I think Barney owes you one!
Re: A bone to pick with... I second that!
Re: Introductions Hi Jo, and welcome!
Re: worse than fox poo... Oh dear! Here's hoping you got it out before the visit!
Re: Nice Article by Ben Fogle - Warning you need a pack of tissues handy So sad :(
Re: Just updated my avatar Lovely! She looks very intent - what was happening?