Hi Jade, Sorry to hear Lincoln is having a bit of a jumpy phase :( You could try one of those desensitization cds to see if that helps? I think...
Hi Wally'smom, Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a worrying time. I'm afraid I've no personal experience of CNM...
I am so very sorry for your loss :( My sincerest condolences.
A very warm welcome to the forum! :)
Hi Ali, A very warm welcome to the forum to you and Indy! We've got some information on caring for female dogs during their seasons on the main...
Hi Clare, Welcome to the forum. Has Amber always been like this, or is it a recent development? Dogs sometimes behave differently when they are...
Welcome to the forum. That is a very cute puppy and Golden Retriever! :)
Hi Mike, A very warm welcome to the forum :) How is Reggie settling in with you and Laura so far?
A very warm welcome to the forum to you and Mocha. What an exciting time :)
Hi Sunshine, A very warm welcome to the forum! You must be so excited :) Have you picked a name yet?
Hi Alessandro, A very warm welcome to the forum! If you look in the Technical Section here you will find some more information on how to add...
Welcome to the forum! Jo's asked some good questions above, if you can answer them we'll be in a better position to understand what might be...
Hi Daniel, Welcome to the forum! And congratulations on your impending arrival! The main difference is probably in terms of sociableness :) Labs...
That's so lovely! It's a very descriptive term, isn't it :)
That's so kind of you, @Holly Chocolate Loveheart :) I think Jade's idea of donating to a rescue is a really good one if no one takes you up on...
Hi Nadine, Welcome to the forum. So sorry to hear your dog has been unwell. I'm afraid I don't have any experience of this, but I just wanted to...
Good thing you thought to get it checked out, like you I think i'd have assumed it wasn't anything significant. Hopefully the treatment will work...
We've used Orijen with our dogs in the past, and they've done really well on it. Though as you say, it's not cheap! There are a few other...
Welcome to the forum! Picking a breed can be really tough :) They are really similar dogs, but Labradors are maybe in general a bit more...
That's such good news! Thanks for the update :)