I assume he is eating the zip - one of Maisy's favourite past times.:rolleyes:
It was so hard to choose Maisy too but I picked her up and cuddled her, she was so calm and content, then she snuffled my ear and licked it - she...
I am in the UK and use Zooplus a lot, they are a German company and deliver to UK and Germany and all over by the looks of their website. I take...
There used to be a dog licence in the UK, it was 37.5p - about 30 years ago now, don't know why it was scrapped. Also I think there should be a...
I agree, I thought about it for a long time and have dog experience and hopefully a bit of a grasp on reality:confused:. I agree that someone who...
I had a GSD when I was growing up and did a lot of the caring and training of her but ultimately she was my parents responsibility, the same as...
Hello Lara, I had a cd with noises on for dogs (free from the vets) which included door bells, Maisy took no notice of it at all but when our door...
Hello Trina, This is really common and I have posted about it here, with some good advice given from everyone...
Oh everyone knows your dog better than you don't they? And not saying that all sausage dogs have attitude but Maisy was attacked by one and there...
It is hard not letting other people get to you. I got off the train the other day with Maisy and she was doing her usual morning sniff at all the...
I thought Maisy was getting better with this, but yesterday we were playing nicely then I popped indoors, went back out and someone had changed...
Thanks everyone, there is some really useful info there, I will put the LAT into practise as soon as I can. Maisy has had diarrhoea and been sick...
Maisy was about 4 months when she had one, she still had her puppy teeth, the pah cashier said they were ok for her age. She only has them...
Can someone give me a quick condensed version of how you get your dog to ignore another one? Maisy is very friendly and is naturally curious of...
Did you train recall with Solstice as a pup? I am trying with Maisy and when we are on our own she is very obedient, but when another dog comes...
Someone should shoot them back, b****ds, poor Bailey hope he is ok.
Sorry to hear this, but good for Quinn, my Maisy is very submissive and also very friendly but I would hope that in situations like this she would...
I can very clearly visualise this - with sound too, thanks I feel much better now. :pull: