How very sorry to hear this. What a shock, and just so sad. Please don't blame yourself, you did everything right. There might...
Wow what an interesting pup.:hmm: I know the killing part is a bit icky....but if you have rats in your garden why not let him have at 'er??...
Simba does this too. Scratching their own backs, I think!
It's hard to say exactly what is going on, but in general, in older dogs, if you always give her attention or food or whatever when she barks...
Glad he had a wonderful day. You are such a good doggy mummy, Kate!
Happy belated birthday, beautiful Tatze! Your collar is very swish.
I signed up for one of his through Udemy at the beginning of winter. Got a bit bogged down at the beginning as he was doing basic stuff but...
I had SO MUCH FUN. Some other hoomans came over and they brought a girl puppy with them and we ranranran and played bitey face and rassle and...
My pooch Simba is giving yours the high five paw of respect :clap:
Hugs to you at this difficult time. It is so very hard, but the sharp pain of it will lessen and you will find things getting easier as time...
Here's to plenty of new adventures for all of us!! :celebrate:
Hope she is ok. She looks a little worried...:)
So nice to come back to an excited doggy! Hope you had a great time...enjoy the puppy cuddles.:)
Aw poor guy! Hope he perks's probably a combination of a bunch of things as you say, but it's hard not to worry. Hugs to you, hope he's...
I have raised dogs from puppies and acquired an older one. Our Lab was around 8 months old when we got him and he was a bit of a nightmare, to be...
Fabulous!! :clap:
Oh, this is one of my fears! I hope Chester will be ok. Poor guy must be very sore!
My dog, at (almost) 5 doesn't do this much anymore, but it will still surface when he gets excited. Like when visitors come over. He will start...
Gosh how very awful. I hope you can get some answers from your vet. So very sorry that you have had such a horrible shock.