Re: How long can you put a dog in their crate for? Thanks for your comments Stacie, drjs. Seems I'm in the minority setting up a pen outside the...
How long is too long? Rosie is crated (door shut) overnight. The rest if the time she has access to her crate (which she uses quite a lot) but...
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! Thank you for your responses. I think I'd be doolally without the lovely support here. A good nights sleep...
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! That's a great idea with the Lino. What an operation each time I go out though hoisting heavy rolls of...
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! A teenage lab section - a support section sounds like a great idea! Puppies are no bother in comparison!
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! Bit tricky to keep her off wooden floors! The whole downstairs is wooden floors! But yes she's not...
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! I've sprayed the areas she's chewed with bitter apple spray. But there's a huge old amount of wooden...
Re: Can't believe what she's done now! Drjs - no she's never been a chewer! She usually is quite happy chomping on her toys. She doesn't even...
Re: First bath Puppy pal - you must have the magic touch! Sounds positively idyllic! Kate - your post had me howling with laughter. What an...
Re: Leaving him with someone else :/ P.s meant to say - I took her cage/bedding/toys with her. Sure you've already planned that xx
Re: Leaving him with someone else :/ Congrats on the wedding! I took my dog to stay with my niece for ten days when she was about four months...
So I had the audacity to leave the house today to go food shopping. Left Rosie in her pen attached to her cage with lots of toys/chew etc. Only...
Re: Tears in puppy class Thank you Dexter. Your post made me laugh too - I think if Rosie had done a big poo in the middle well that would have...
Re: Tears in puppy class Ha ha, funny pic Julie...what a v ugly pooch! A hamster now there's an idea! The pic made me sniffle laugh....!
Re: Tears in puppy class Thank you drjs, More sniffles....! Think nice relaxing bath in order. Tomorrow is another day.... It's so true what...
Re: Tears in puppy class Thanks Julie, I could cry now because you're being so nice to me! She's like a different dog at home - mature and well...
Re: Walking issues Glad it's not just me! Reassuring to read this thread. Great advice and moral support. Can't we all meet up - lock them in a...
One step forward two steps back....feels that way! Puppy class today was a disaster. The class had started by the time I even got through the...
Re: Anti gulp bowls Did you get one in the end? Rosie's a food inhaler also. She wolfs it down - can't be good for them!! I wondered if it was...
Re: Poorly Bentley Ah poor Bentley, how is he? I second what others have said...I used chicken mince and boiled it in the same pan as the rice....