Re: Tears in puppy class My word I so know how you feel. When my GSD was a pup I can't tell you the times she reduced me to tears in training...
Re: Getting puppy used to a lead Thank you. Its so good to read here the success stories. I'm so glad Dexter is doing well. Thanks for the advice...
Hi Everyone.... Layla is still doing really well (9 weeks old) ... learns very quickly (with clicker and a bit of kibble). Still has had not...
Re: Ill puppy So glad she is feeling better ;D
Re: New Puppy Thank;s for the warm welcome everyone... am finding the forum's and information on this site so very useful. I'm sure I will be...
Re: Hand Feeding Thank you Barbara for the info much appreciated
I have read a few threads that talk about hand feeding. As I am new to Labrador ownership (puppy is 8 weeks) could someone explains what hand...
Well I thought I would just introduce myself as a new member who picked up our Black Lab puppy Layla on Saturday. So far.. so good. Has done all...