Re: Naughty Felix bit? another dog He has been to obedience and puppy orientations. Plus the dogs that he usually plays with are pretty calm &...
Re: Naughty Felix bit? another dog Felix is 4 months old. When he plays with dogs, he usually skips the sniffing part and gets right into action...
I took Felix out today to play with a friend's dog who is a pitbull bully. Everything was going great. They were playing, jumping, wagging their...
Re: Temperament Test? You guys are so wonderful! Making me feel much better about myself! Haha. Guess you can say I'm an insecure dog owner! :-\...
Re: Temperament Test? I know Felix isn't aggressive. I guess you can say, sometimes his behavior catches me off guard and gets me nervous and...
Re: Temperament Test? We've been taking Felix to the vet for his shots and everything and the vet told us, they've seen a huge change in his...
Just recently, I had a friend ask me if I've ever performed a temperament test on my pup. I didn't, but I did observe his behavior and everything...
Re: Socializing our puppy Thank you very much for the links!
Re: Socializing our puppy snowbunny, can you give me a link to those articles please? I can't seem to find them.
Re: Socializing our puppy Just sat everyone down and informed about the mouth grabbing! I will definitely share these information with them!
Re: Hello! Awe, thanks everyone! His skin has definitely improved. Today is actually his day of having to take medicine :) I'm sure he's just as...
Re: Socializing our puppy Now that you've mentioned that, he does seem fearful of hands. Especially when a kid or person wants to pet him. His...
Re: Socializing our puppy Yes, I know :( I really do not like the mouth grabbing! I don't do it, EVER. His teething and puppy biting has gotten...
Re: Socializing our puppy Yes, I know this is very normal for puppies. It's just the Pom is my boyfriend's mom's dog :-\ & she does not like...
Hi everyone, As some of you may know, I have a 12 week old Labrador named, Felix, along with a family dog over a year old who is a Pom. Now, the...
Re: Hello! Thanks everyone for the lovely welcome :) He sure is a sweetheart! Can't wait for him to get bigger and share more stories!
Re: Hello! Thanks for all the warm welcomes :) Here's a photo of Felix with the white chest/belly! [img]
Re: Hello! Thank you Oberon! & yes, I never ever thought that my first puppy would become so sick! But thankfully, I have a wonderful boyfriend...
I'm not sure where to start this topic thread, but I have a 11 week old black Labrador Retriever named Felix. He was a very calm puppy when we got...
Hello everyone! My name is Amy & I just recently got myself a beautiful black Labrador Retriever. He is about 2 1/2 months & he was 8 weeks when...