Re: Puppy Sleeping Hi Mike, our puppy is almost five months old now, but we got her about a month ago (she was a rescue). We had left her crate...
Coco is now about 20 weeks old! Since she's a lab/shepherd mix, my wife and I weren't sure whether her ears were going to stand straight up like a...
Re: Coco is Chasing Cars Great advice! I will start with the training at the house and continue from there. She has the sit command down...
Hi All, Does anyone have any experience with their puppy chasing cars, and any good advice on how to stop it from happening? For those who...
Re: Comfortable or not? haha I challenge you all to sleep like that for a night on the ground and we can all gather back to report on who we're...
Re: Comfortable or not? I would go with comfortable, I only say that because I snapped this picture of Coco sleeping two nights ago on our couch...
Re: Meet Coco - Pictures! Haha I have been reading online that they go by "Shepradors" or as I told the lady at the Pet Store before we got her,...
Hi All, My first post was last week regarding the house-training of our new puppy in the snow. As it turns out, most of you were right and we...
Re: House Training in Snow Hi Karen, I live in Rockland, which is south of the city. It's brutally cold right now in the low 20's F here this...
Re: House Training in Snow Thanks for the words of encouragement and all the replies! It's great that this forum is so active. I will definitely...
Hello all, I'm new to the forum as my wife and I will be meeting our 12-week old chocolate lab that we've adopted (Coco) this coming Monday. I...