Re: Successful 'high value' treats I made some banana heel the other day when I walked past the fruit bowl and realised there were bananas there...
Re: Lovely Day with Otis. Glad you are enjoying him - sounds like you both had a great day out! Clare
Re: Little update , Millie x Annette is right - we could always use a few more Millie pics! So pleased that everything is working out so well. Clare
Re: Photos of Bentley! *Sigh* I think Labrador puppies only come in irresistible... Clare
Re: Hip Dysplasia Oh bless her... it's a big old bald patch, but that wound looks nice and neat. Hope the recovery goes well. Clare
Re: Lost my post editing button/link? Yes! Mine is back, too. Thanks ;D Clare
Re: Brand new puppy - first timer help!
Re: Hello from Warwickshire :) Hello and welcome! Love the idea of having one in each colour way... don't think I could persuade the OH, though....
Re: Lost my post editing button/link? Mine disappeared very recently too... and has not crept back under cover of darkness like I was hoping for....
Re: Really annoyed Yes! What is it with people thinking that being in roughly the same vicinity as their dog and chatting on their phone is...
Re: The DivaDog has tought me another command ... but I like soft toys better with the squeakers removed. The squeakers kind of set my teeth on...
Re: Ear infection - now with blood! Just catching up with this now... Julie, you need to be putting extra hours in your day onto your next...
Re: What time do you feed your dogs? Oh you cynic, you - they love you, they really do. Food has nothing to do with it. :o Clare
Re: Back on lead walks only You know I am a huge Poppy fan and that is a gorgeous picture of a gorgeous girl. Glad it sounds like it's just a...
Re: That was eventful!! Bless him... Charlie did sooo well! Clare
Re: Couldn't get her out this morning! I hope that Lady is well and it's just a case of her pointing out that - even for a Labrador - you can...
Re: I am such a sucker.... Sucker? Ummm... possibly. But she is gorgeous, and Phil has promised to help after all... and you couldn't have left...
Re: humping For a moment there, I was thinking High School Musical as opposed to high school comedy... I don't think that helped me curb my fits...
Re: What does your dogs name mean? SBD is very definitely a Lady! Brew is BrewDog, after the Aberdeenshire brewery, although shortened to...
Re: Dealing with Aggressive off leash dogs I'm impressed you managed it politely, Helen! I understand why it made your blood boil... I think...