jack wears a face halti which he constantly tries to remove, sometimes with success. His latest anitcs involve him sitting down or lying down and...
Re: a question of size! - what size is a lab?? ;D
Re: a question of size! - what size is a lab?? Jack is quite tall compared to other labs we have met and is about 30kg at 9 months, hes got a...
When choosing to get a dog we were agreed we didnt want a small dog, a handbag sized dog, or a giant dog. we wanted a medium sized dog so go jack...
Re: Be tick aware hi all, Jack is my first dog so sorry if this appears to be a stoopid question :P Are ticks easy to spot? would i know if ive...
Re: so proud of Jack dog! thanks guys i was expecting to be out for only about 1/2 hour but he was great and we were out from 11 til 4ish, even...
as most of you know we've not had jack for long. Today we took him to a local farm attraction with the kids, it was very busy lots of people and...
Re: kongs you can stuff - what do i use? thank you, what do i soak it in? how long does it take to freeze? how do i stop it falling out the holes...
hi all, Right ive decided to get jack a stuffable kong, i picked up the leaflets from the vets but wantto know what people use to stuff them? i...
le foux chein - the stupid dog ok, so me and the family were away in france and had left jack at home with my mother in law. We got a frantic...
Evening all! Jacks still pulling on the lead we have a halti but im not sure we are using it correctly ??? it goes over his nose then it clicks...
Re: Mind Blowing hiya, we are new to dog ownership too and the food issue definately had me in a spin, oh and insurance! Jacks on kibble...
Re: Simba dumped again.... i understand where your coming from. We got Jack a month ago and next monday we are leaving him to go on holiday. We...
Re: Psycho circles great post! Jack does this crazy stuff too! outside round and round the trapoline then on the trampoline , then round again...
Re: which dry food for sensitive tummy? thank you, right salmon and rice it is! i like that i can get skinners from just down the road, and its...
sorry another post! which is the best dry food for jack whos nearly 9 months for a sensitive tummy? or which should i avoid? i know to not get...
Re: my dog has runny poo! - is it he treats im giving him? thank you, ill try cutting out "treats" and now use kibble, carrots and toast thanks...
Re: my dog has runny poo! - is it he treats im giving him? grr, right ive just rung a local food stockist for skinners and asked if they do...
Re: my dog has runny poo! - is it he treats im giving him? thanks guys, it looks like trial and error then with which things will upset his tum....
please help. We've only had jack for just over 2 weeks, when he arrived his poops were fairly solid (you could pick them up) i dont think he was...