hiya, Weve only had jack for 2 weeks and is getting loads better on the lead with the halti, wed like to be able to let him have a run but are...
Re: chewing wood - how can i stop it thanks for the suggestions, trouble is he doesnt sleep on his bed, or have a favourite place he sleeps all...
following on from my chewing post, ive googled how to stop him chewing wood and bitter apple spray has been suggested as well as crate training....
Re: chewing wood - how can i stop it hiya, Crate training as follows and from following the fab advice from everyone on here, prior to the crate...
Re: chewing wood - how can i stop it arggh! today he got a book and ripped that up! irony is its a dog training book! he was left just under and...
Re: chewing wood - how can i stop it thanks guys, hum i guess i keep up with the crate training then, hes only doing it when i go out, hes got a...
Hiya, Jack loves to chew wood, he like jenga blocks, the wooden knobs on the furniture, colouring pencils and the kids play kitchen! what can i...
yay! Tried jack again on the nose halti - he dislikes it and is now sulking, i love it its the best ever invention ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I had...
Re: feeling like i cant go out :( help! brilliant thanks rachel, next time we do a roast chicken ill save him some for training! in the meantime...
Re: feeling like i cant go out :( help! thanks Dexter and the others ive managed to get him in the crate! shut the door, left the room went...
Re: feeling like i cant go out :( help! thanks for your reply. Hes 8 months, theres not much more i can take out the room! hes got the lounge...
argh, Jacks not in my good books this morning! i took him for his morning walk, it did not go well. Lots of pulling, especially when he saw...
Re: treat bags - recomendations please brilliant! a bum bag why didnt i think of that! somewhere for the house keys and poo bags too! genius
as we move on with jacks training we now need a treat bag. im looking on ebay, does anyone have a brand to get or suggestions on which to avoid...
Re: argh new owner wobble! thanks lisa, as he is mostly toilet trained and uncrated at night, do you think he even needs it? today (so far ......
Re: argh new owner wobble! thanks again everyone the crate is in his room (the lounge diner) and i have moved as much stuff out the room as...
Re: argh new owner wobble! thanks both, Oberon - how do i make the crate a positive place to be? hes already got a pop up fabric mesh style...
im not feeling very confident this morning with jack :( i know its early days but it felt like progress was being made and now its like 2 steps...
advice please on crate training. jacks 8 months, i think his previous owners left at home on his own quite a bit, the longest hes been left with...
Re: zig zagging! on lead lead update- - with the slightly longer lead jacks almost stopped zig zagging, hes still pulling but im stopping to stop...