Re: someone said i am walking puppy too much? thanks for replies
Re: someone said i am walking puppy too much? shes definately not tired or resting always in front of me thank you
puppy is 7 month old we do 2 walks a day both 30 mins. off lead through fields all the time. shr likes to run and someone said i should keep her...
Re: does anyone use canagan dog food? hwo do u post a pic?
willow has been on it for quite a while so far got through a 3kg and now a 12kg bag, pleased with it , but just think she is looking a bit thin on...
Re: When to start agility? yeah will do. just got to order the bits and hopefuly the weather will improve soon. (thundering and raining here!)
Re: When to start agility? no i will put away until she is a year. she needs to do a lot to keep her busy. also thought my 5 year old daughter...
Willow nearly 7 months and i would love to abiilty with her in the future (i know she needs to be over a year). she does need a lot of things to...
Re: Walking at 7 months old thanks both ladies
willow is now nearly 7 months and we walk her am and pm for about 30-40 mins each time. she is off lead the whole time (bar 1 min to get to the...
Re: week on and still on and off loose poos yeah some start ok but go loose. dont think over-feeding her. may just be the poo she is eating !
think still eating cat poo/ or in woods suppose may be fox poo, trying to stop her from doing it but cant always get to her quick enough. nothing...
For some reason, cats our pooing loads in our garden at the mo and Willow thinks this is brilliant because she loves cat poo ! (dirty animal)...
our gorgeous willow is now 6 montsh old and we are walking her 2-3 times a day for roughly 20-30 mins each time. at a weekend, i walk with a...
Willow last few ams waking at 5am ish instead of 6.30/7 cant pinpoint why. Heatingband water turned off at night. We are not waking her getting...
willow now 5 months and our garden is very water logged she wont go onto grass and using patio to wee and poo, we cant play out there so we are...
Dont think rc labrador junior agrees witj willow stools nit always firm and wind bad . Whats best dry food?
Willow hurt her front leg thursday evening she decided to jump a ditch and landed at the bottom of a tree. She limped home. Ww checked it to make...
noticed yesterday willow has lost her first tooth and over last few days she has not been interested in her food. do they go off their food when...
Re: Puppies and Exercise my yellow pup is 17 weeks old now and we walk her am and pm for 15-20 mins each time, we are lucky that she can be off...