we have had willow 9 weeks now, since she was 8 weeks, so she is now 17 weeks old. i do all the training but my husband walks her at night and...
Been out in car today and wiillow did a poo in car within 10 mins wasn't the runs. I let her in garden before we left. We don't take her in car...
think fox or cat poo, last few days willow had been eating poo while out on walks :-( my labs were always terible for it, their preference was cow...
Re: thinking every dog is her friend Not sure why you are grrrrr at me Julie , I do put my dog on a lead , if u re-read my post you will see that...
Re: thinking every dog is her friend Yes no probs with recall I'm like a hawke always looking out for dogs:people and always put her bk on lead....
Re: Sleepy all the time! willow is 14 weeks i dont clock what time she naps, but she naps ALOT !!! Yesterday in particular, i was thinking god...
Re: Poo DEFINATLEY get a crate. wilow is now 14 weeks and from 8 weeks when we had her she was in the kitchen at night and came down to poo and...
Re: puppies and children thanks for everyone's tips. things much better. we walk willow from school to home (10 mins) so willow now has a nap...
willow is loving going out and about for walks now and we are still meeting new dogs in the village. over the weekend saw a few little dogs out. i...
Re: puppies and children oh yes totally agree, she is an only child, so she could be jelous of her, but not sure how to approach this. she feeds...
Re: puppies and children totally agree with you. she is such a kind girl with younger kids and friends dogs so not sure why she is so rough with...
willow is coming up to 14 weeks and we have had her from 8 weeks, my daugher is 4.5 years old and is used to dogs as our childminder had 2 older...
Willow eating her dry good again at now but never wants lunch ! She eats at 7, 12.30 and 6 , breakfast and dinner she eats all lunch , lunch has a...
we got one at the weekend, willow loves sleeping it and now going through the night from 11.30am to 6am (was weeing in the ktichen during the day...
Re: Not keen on dry food hi she is on RC labrador junor food. not keen to do a raw diet,. she definatley seems well in herself and not...
Re: Not keen on dry food Poos not as firm as I think they shoukd be I will reduce her dry but still add some can. As a test tonight gave half a...
Re: Not keen on dry food She already has it softened and tried the gravy thing still not interested !!! She's eating nothing just now when put...
We have had willow 5 weeks now :-) she started off on burns and now on rc but of which she is not keen on! Don't want to keep changing foods....
Re: started weeing the kitchen many thanks for your reply. will she stop doing as she gets older or wil it just turn into a habit ? i worry it...
Re: started weeing the kitchen hi she is 13 weeks tomorrow and she sleeps in the kitchen (never used a crate) and when we are not there she is...