willow is left on her own from 12.45pm to 3pm, she goes a wee before i go but when i come back she has most of the time wee'd. she can go longer...
Re: Following on from my post ' still pooing at night' Thanks for reply. Willow does sit by door in the day but doesn't cry we just notice she...
Moved willow to kitchen so could wipe any mess. She went out at 11.30pm she was crying at 4.30 but had already poo'd and we'd. Didnt leave any...
CAn someone please confirm rules for waking ? I have heard it 5 mins for every month old they are on lead so if off lead can be out longer? We...
i am now out the house from 11.30am to 3pm and wondering what to give willow to do / play with. dont trust her with toys incase chews and...
would it be a problem to give a puppy of 4 months 2 meals a day? instead of 3? i would split her porition for the day and give twice. lunchtime...
Re: Still pooing in the night i know but she is on carpet so if does wee /poo hard to clean. 11pm/11.30pm, she is then up between 5-5.30am so...
Willow now eating 7 12 and 5 but still pooing in the night !! She's not asking to go out and doing it on the paper we lay down as in dining room...
Re: Started using inside for toilet She's always had lunch at 11.30/12 never a problem before ? Any other ideas ?
Willow is nearly 12 weeks now , I am out of house 12 to 2.30 , I give her lunch at 12 then go but am now coming back to poo and wee! She's in a...
Re: Smelly gas - change of food Thank god , we are being gassed out, too cold to open windows!
Re: how much does your puppy weigh? Willow at 11 weeks is 6.2kgs sounds tiny to the rest ! Vet said she was fine yesterday as I was worried she...
I am gradually changing willow from burns to RC as she didnt like burns noticed a change to her poos and now has had wind! Is this normal? Started...
Re: Time for last meal at night Do I need to give her a few dry biscuits before bed ?
Re: Feeding cooked chicken with dry food for pup @ 5 months? Ha ha ! Ours is the same ! Was thinking of adding a bit of a can at each meal ,...
Re: Time for last meal at night That ok for a 11 week old pup ? Will she be hungry in the night? Doesn't seem hungry at 7am currently
What time is best for last meal please currenty this week willow needs a poo at 4am last meal 7/8
Re: Best puppy food ohhh i'd be interested in reply's on this too. willow on burms and again dont seem that bothered about it. with the breeder...
when we got willow she had the runs after 48 hours i took her to vets who put her on RC vet food. kept her on that for a few days and then slowly...
our puppy pack from breeder says at 4 months, this ok or too soon? Will be feeding Willow then at 7am, 12 and then 7pm. Lunchtime is hard one as...