Oh goodness, how awful. I hope they can work out what's going on and get him back to full health soon xx
I love it when Ella comes and cuddles up with me. She'll be looking at me but as I rub her neck and ears, I see her slowly struggling to keep her...
You're only a true forum member if you have photos of dog poo on your phone :D
Sounds like those choccies know how to overdo it. Hope they pull up OK. Lovely to see photos of the group. And the famous Moo! I can't believe...
Kickable. Kickable is what you're looking for :)
I can't believe that Ella will be three in April. It frightens me how quickly time is going by.
Hard work. Ella will be three in April and Nathan will be two in January. Right now their relationship is hard work. Sometimes they play so...
Hi and welcome from me and Ella in Melbourne :hi: Sorry for the reason that brought you here to the forum but it's great to have you here anyway
Thanks for the explanation. I think I might ask Santa to bring some for Ella :)
I'm lost. Are we down to the waiting list for Devon (Luna's breeder), the breeder expecting pups this week (that breeds assistance dogs) and...
I think she's got a problem :D (I left that apostrophe out just for you @snowbunny mwahahaha)
Ooh, I could see you with a Zaba :)
And our answers were nearly identical! :cwl:
Haha we all replied at once!
Not ridiculous at all! There have been many discussions about this very topic! I believe that the general consensus is that you need to puree the...
Oh god, thinking of you @SwampDonkey xxx
Now she's trying to get me to play. Of course, it worked :rolleyes: [ATTACH]
I've got a horrible cold and have completely lost my voice (yes, you can probably hear my OH cheering in the background :rolleyes:) so I've spent...
Oh no, I hope not! Speaking of Ripple... Has anyone heard from him?? My mum said that you're upside down and me and Vanilla are the right way...
Oh no Vanilla! Maybe you should call the Rspca? It's nice and cool in our house as the new cold air blowy things are on. Mum's got kennel cough...