The only thing I would add to @snowbunny 's thoughtful post is that if you decided to invest the time and energy into training and building a good...
Dogs really don't have a hierarchy or ranking system. Dominance in canids is more about resource and who controls access to that resource. A dog...
A quick question - How were you trying to stop her digging? There could be several reasons and different ways of dealing with this behaviour but a...
I'm not sure exactly what behaviour your are expecting from your pup. Testosterone won't change his nature. Sorry but no dog is a 'sissy'. All...
It does sound as if hunger could be the cause. You could try giving just a couple of little biscuits at bedtime and see if it helps.
Totally agree with @snowbunny it really would be best to re-home your girl. Dogs need commitment on a 24/7/365 basis not when it fits with the...
My girl was introduced into our home with 2 resident cats. The crate was kept in the kitchen during the day and then I took it upstairs at...
As others have said @Daniel Heyboer take it very slowly, literally one step at a time with plenty of yummy treats to create a happy connection....
That's something I would advise against. On one hand you are trying to stop your dog from picking up and eating something (poo) from the ground...
Hi @Lizvine, my girl has ED and was operated on at 8 months. What form of ED/surgery have you been through? What has been your recovery management...
Wow, that was a long time :(. I thought a couple of months was bad enough :D
It's not unusual for a puppy to appear to go off their food once in their new home, as they no longer gave any need to compete with siblings when...
Hi @Lorraine Seale it sounds as if you have a Fragmentation of the Coronoid Process, one of the many forms of elbow dysplasia. We were diagnosed...
I really do sympathise @SteffiS. I wanted to see Jen running around having fun but decided that stopping the poo eating was a higher priority, so...
My girl was a poo eater - rabbit, horse, cow, duck luckily not her own or other dogs. I trained a magic word which worked from some weeks even...
If you are feeding a complete puppy food there is no need to give additional vitamin supplements. They are already included in the food. If you...
My blood runs cold each and every time I see someone post something like Saying 'No' has, as you have discovered, no effect whatsoever - it is...
My dog isn't a complete angel, just a pretty normal Labrador BUT I've never had to leave her lead on so I could reach her under a table and force...
Good news @Tank the Destroyer . Fingers crossed for many more undisturbed nights :)
You are quite right the OP doesn't mention manhandling etc. Sometimes the clues are in what someone doesn't say The question is how the OP has...