Stop man handling him and the behaviour will stop! As you have found luring him off prevents the growl, snarl, snap and now bite. Think about it,...
Definitely a trip to the vet for a chat. Chewing of paws would give me cause for concern, particularly if eyes are causing irritation as well.
There are a small number of trainers that I will watch on YouTube and I ignore everything else in much the same way I avoid all the videos of dogs...
It really does sound as if you need something that you will find fun to do with Daisy. She is very young yet so there really is no need to worry...
Is he still a chewer? Is he likely to chew and destroy a bed or anything near by? If not you could look to try him in a bed in the basement and...
Hi @Jacqui Neil just read your last posts about training and my heart sank. It really isn't up to any trainer to tell you that you must have your...
Make sure he is happy in his crate in the original location (the basement?) for a week or so before attempting to move the crate. Have you thought...
I think it was very much Penny saying 'I don't like this' and using a snap to get your daughter to move. Dogs really do not like a full on...
Ok @Jacqui Neil and @Harley Quinn , I've kicked the brain cells a little and I used a combination of methods - why try one when you can try two...
Some pups whine when teething others don't. It can be a painful time for pups, just like teething in human babies. The advantage of puppies is...
Ha ha, we all think we know what to expect until that new puppy arrives in the home :) :)
How exciting. Look forward to hearing more about your new puppy and seeing the photos. A few questions anyway .... Boy or girl? Colour? Name? :)
If having him in the room or the door open isn't an option I would go back to square 1 and manage the transition differently. Choices would be...
THIS means that you have pushed to far ahead on the teaining before your dog is ready. Recall in a training class is completely different to a...
@Jacqui Neil It sounds as if you are doing amazingly with Daisy. As a trainer I wouldn't suggest taking such a young dog off a harness and on to a...
"Yes, there is a chance that she might pull as we are on a field and being a lab if she sees a nice piece of wood or twig she will lunge after it....
Or leave the bedroom door open? You've just changed his sleeping arrangements in a huge way so it's not that unusual for a dog to be unsettled
I'll challenge the brain as to how I did it and get back to you on it. :) A puppy is never to young to learn something new - age has no bearing on...
If in doubt as to whether Gus will be aggressive you need to nake sure that all meetings are with puppy in a pen set up so that Gus can not harm...
Hi @Jacqui Neil as the owner of a 3.5 yr old choccie girl who likes to 'sit' and 'down' sloppy I wouldn't worry especially as Daisy May only had a...