So good to hear that Stanley is feeling so much better this morning. Fingers crossed that all goes well at the vets. Xx
Was this late in the evening so dark? Or earlier at dusk? Just wondering whether the light level is playing a role in her reacting. We're there...
I'm currently researching for my next pup and I would probably be happy with the hip scores depending upon the COI and EBV. Is there a full health...
The Dog Decoder app is also very useful and there are some very good books available through Amazon
I wouldn't do this as a first step. It's a little unethical to use other people's children as training aids without their permission and there is...
Dog food gets very complicated and us quite a contentious issue as to what you should or shouldn't feed :( . I'm not sure if we have a minimum...
This was the first indicator that Max wasn't happy aboyt the child approaching and touching which ked to him escalating and barking with the...
How truly awful for you, Stanley and OH (I'm sure he's just as worried about your gorgeous boy). Sending lots of love and positive thoughts for a...
I'm with @snowbunny and would just leave her. Trying to coax her to do sonething she isn't happy with is a bit like someone forcing you into a...
If a puppy/dog finds a behaviour rewarding they will continue to do it, they will not grow out of it. It really is a case of deciding what...
We had the spay following 2 weeks of restricted exercise (no running/jumping/bouncing around) due to a limp. Lots of mental activity, scent games...
Hi @HAH I have to say I wouldn't want my 5month old pup in a general melee of pups and older dogs for a couple of hours. The level of supervision...
My girl was spayed at 5.5months of age. Sleepy the night of the op but her normal self the next day. Our vet advice was lead walking only for...
Not all puppies/dog's love a crate but it sounds as if your puppy has only been in tge crate when asleep. To encourage a pup that the crate is the...
Definitely worth getting her used to a cone of whatever description you decide upon. It's worth the time know so she isn't bothered after the op....
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Can you tell us a little more about your normal daily activities with Brambke. What time do you get up? Feed...
Apologies for slow response - a bit of a crazy week all round :) . I'm a little cautious when it comes to talking about emotions in our dogs. We...
I'm sorry but no baby or child should be allowed to pull on a dog's ears. Cooper may have given her 'kisses' but more likely to have been...
Hi @NHLab so sorry to hear of your concerns so gave been reading around on the subject out of interest. In my reading around I came across this...
If he happily responds to the trainer in class and responds to you at home/in the garden etc I would tend not to worry. It sounds as if he does...