The bed change could be a root cause but a behaviourist will probably ask for a complete health check to rule out any health problems. The Pet...
Thanks @snowbunny for adding all the extra games we can play - suddenly realised them time and had to grab dog, car keys, house keys and doggie...
Manufacturers don't want it to be easy or simple for us @Shaz82 :( .
Each dog is different :) . How much of a chewer is your dog? I wouldn't trust a young dog that loved chewing outside of a crate for any length of...
@Bettie Unfortunately exercise like running after a ball and bringing it back only creates a fitter dog in the longer term as you have to do more...
Just had a quick look at the 2 foods on PaH as it's one of theirs. The only significant difference between the two are the puppy food has 10% more...
This is why It's so hard to choose a food for our dogs @Shaz82 . You could email the company and ask them for advice on suitability based upon age...
Here on the forum we often see posts with owners struggling with a new puppy or adolescent and hear 'My old dog never did any of this. He was such...
The Kennel Club Breed Standard currently quotes 56 -57cm for dogs and 55-56cm for bitches
This is my 5 step plan to train a settle 1. Make cup of tea or coffee 2. Select reading material. 3. Sit in comfy chair 4. Place foot on dog...
Your puppy isn't hyper, just a normal puppy. From your post I'm guessing you are out all day so when you're home your puppy wants your attention...
The ideal is that puppy doesn't see you drop the treat - it literally drops unseen, which can be quite hard to achieve. Also you have to phase the...
Trust your instincts @SteffiS . If you feel something isn't quite right go back to your vet. It's not subjecting Ripple to unnecessary tests, it's...
Duke is not being aggressive. He is asking you in the only way he knows not to man handle him off the bed. There he is, nice and comfy and you...
No It's not necessary as @Beanwood says and the drop a steady trickle if treats to pup is a valid method but on lead it is much quicker to get the...
I know what you mean. My dog food is produced by a small company using local produce. The problem when a producer uses 'poultry meat it could be...
I had 2 5 year old cats when I introduced my puppy into the family - they were not impressed with the new addition :) . Some key points to...
It's worth having a look on to research choices in foods available to you. You can choose between foods rated up to 5 star...
My concern would be around the Poultry Fresh Meat and dried Poultry protein for the reasons here...
As a very rough rule of thumb the greater the quantity to be fed, the poorer the quality of food but without looking at the ingredients,...