Thanks everyone for replying. Angus is with my grandson every day, they are often cuddled up together watching tv. Angus knows what time to expect...
Angus is 11 months old now and sill intact. He has recently taken a liking to my 5 year old grandson and basically trying to hump him. I was...
Thank for for replying, I went out and got some tin sardines then took Angus for a short walk and it worked . His focus was back on me, he wasn't...
Morning everyone, I am having problems with Angus pulling at the moment, not sure what to do with him. Angus is 8 months now, he weighed 25 kilos...
Morning, Angus is 6 months old now and always seems to have trouble with medication. He was allergic to the puppy jabs and had to have them...
Lol, yes they are all getting on. I have 2 Oriental Siamese and a Main Coon. The biggest Oriental is trying to be the boss and will back Angus...
Thank you, that is very kind of you but unfortunately I don't drive so it would be a bit difficult
Thank you for the warm welcome, I am in Bristol UK. Angus does love to carry things around the normal thing is a soft toy dinosaur, but as the...
Hi, another newby here. Only had my baby lab Angus a couple of months but so glad I have him. I always said no more dogs after the last of my...