Now he is a few days short of 9 weeks and 22 lbs yikes lol
I also use a crate if he gets too excited and won't calm down usually after 15 min he relaxes and has a 2 hour nap works well
Monty is very mouthy and likes to use me as a chewing board every time he tries I put a toy In his mouth. It seems to be working for me anyhow...
My Monty is already 18 lbs at 8 weeks is this an indication of a big boy or is this normal?
He is a dream slept last night no accidents went out only twice . Very mellow until you say no lol then he is a fiesty one ha
Is this normal lol I just got Monty home today and he loves his crate we already had a nap in his night time crate.. hates x pen which I am sad...
Have a few small carriers so will use that . Thank you
Hello am collecting Monty on Friday and am unfortunately going solo so a crate will be needed. I have two types a fully in closed one or a metal...
No he is not home yet 2 more weeks just went for a visit
He is so sweet . I think he will be a big boy
Again pic is in avatar cause can't figure out how to upload lol
So I got to see my new puppy today he is so sweet .. two more weeks can't Wait[IMG]
I have 2 small dogs already so he will go to same vet as them. He is going to be enrolled in pets smart puppy classes . I live in Canada. I have...
We are naming him monty he is the puppy in the avatar.
Finally getting my first lab puppy in a month what am I in for?