Sorry to hear about Sam, I hope you have a calm quiet day together. X
Ouch! When Monty got a thorn stuck in his pads he refused to move. However, despite bilateral HD and ED he will still race around with other...
Sounds like a great class! For treats, you could try tinned hot dog sausages? The ones I got were made of chicken, and each sausage is only...
Yes, the sooner the better, hopefully it's nothing but if your dog is in any pain which a vet will pick up straight away, then you can get pain...
fantastic news !
Hi, I'm coming into this really late, haven't been online much recently. Sending you big hugs from me and Monty and fingers crossed that they can...
Rory! Moo! Long time no sniff. I hope my ouchie goes so I can see you both in a few weeks time
Thanks Stanley, all contributions gratefully accepted. My kibble didn't even cover the bottom of the bowl this evening there was so little of it :mad:
Coco frankfurters would be great as they would fit through the letterbox and drop straight into my mouth!
Pig, I have a pome. I've had it for ages but mum won't give me the password for the tappy thing and she's been oh so busy (so she says. Tapping on...
@Pilatelover I can do 19th too. sorry, I'm a bit behind with stuff at the moment too. Hope you are doing ok @SwampDonkey, sending hugs and a...
Just bought some skinners to try, will phase it in with the RC.
Huh. Just searched Orijen prices and it's only a few pounds more than RC. Maybe RC doesn't cost as much as I thought.
We have royal canin satiety kibble, I know RC is a favourite of many vets and they tend to suggest it, which puts some people off, but it's also...
When I walk Monty now I trust him enough not to need to be 100% focused on him all the time , I'm looking ahead and back for other dogs but the...
I've struck a deal with my neighbour to have monty in her house for a couple of afternoons a week. He gets late morning walks anyway, then she's...
Ohmydogohmydogohmydog something sooooo exciting has happened. I'm going to play 2 afternoons a week with my labradooodle friends! They live over...
Hi, yes this is fine to rearrange to a later date, I've not got any definite plans for Sundays at the moment so I'll fit in with what suits you...
And I do believe that annex 253b point 4.1 says evidence of the process of getting all four boots on aforementioned dog must be shown as a video,...
We have a hyundai i40,(specially bought for the dog) it's huge, though monty generally only travels in this on longer trips or holidays as OH is...