'And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming' Have to say I find them quite disconcerting at times...
Mr Monty says hello to his favourite older lady friend. Hope she has a better day today xx
Poor dogs, you forget how painful they are till you are unlucky enough to be reminded. Hope they can both forget about it very soon.
Love his absolute focus on that ice cream!
That's so cute. :heart: and will be so warm in winter:cold: My photo went sideways too yesterday when it shouldn't have done, I only realised...
No it was more that it all froze and i couldn't do anything
I definitely had some problems earlier about 6 ish but not sure if it was the site or my tablet /wifi. Working fine now
Oops sorry for the multiple posts, it all ground to a halt and I pressed post reply a few more times!
Hi, @Pilatelover and @SwampDonkey 8th October is good for me, I'm happy with either walk x
Monty is very much on the mend, abscess has disappeared and wound has closed up now. But still he's licking the shaved patch on his leg, driving...
I'll look at dates later and confirm by tomorrow morning , I have an interview today and should be preparing. :computerrage:either walk is fine...
I've always said it Berks well, but I am an uncouth brummie :) Everyone where I work in Solihull (its local authority) would say the same I...
He seems ok, hasn't been out yet this morning and slept through the night so I think his stomach is fine, phew!
Agggh, got home last night to find a scrunched up, chewed pack of antibiotics on the floor, he had eaten over 3 days worth while I was out!...
Hi all, yes, he's doing ok - the wound itself seems to have almost closed up, there's just the slightest of marks on the cotton wool when I clean...
Thanks @kateincornwall , I'm not panicking yet as although it did look pretty good last night, there might just be some residual swelling or...