Bailey was weighed today at puppy class, I will not be worrying any more. He now weighs 8.85 kilos so a gain of 1.05 kilos in the last week. I am...
It must be labs named Cooper! Our first lab was a Cooper and he would have eaten all day if you let him.
:) He is very clever but not quite up to wall walking:happy: It sure does look like that though! I've changed his feeding to 3 times a day,...
What a gorgeous boy. He has a real look of mischief in those pretty eyes! :happy:
Welcome to the puppy club! I'm almost an old hand as my Bailey is 10 weeks old today. Just these last few days the pee accidents have lessened...
Thanks to everyone! This is such a helpful community. I have things to think about. He sees the vet on Thursday for his second vaccination so I'll...
Thanks Oberon, I guess I'm comparing him to our only other Lab! Bailey prefers people to food and that's a lovely trait to have.
Bailey is 10 weeks old today and last week he weighed 7.8 Kilos-we weighed him at puppy class. He has never been a 'typical lab' with food but now...
What a gorgeous girl she is!
So... I have nose prints on the glass doors, (including the oven door-he hasn't gone back to that one, as it was on at the time), little paw...
Thinking of you Kate and Casper. Sending hugs across the globe.
Thanks to everyone! I know this forum will be a great help to me after he arrives and I have a multitude of questions:)
We think he's handsome too!
Thanks so much. We are so excited!
Nessa, So sorry to read this. It sounds like you did everything you could. I'm sure Fletcher knew how much he was loved. You made the...
This is Bailey! It's the first photo we have of our actual puppy. We will be picking him up from his flight to us on Thursday. He will be 71/2...
Hi Samantha, Bev here from Adelaide in South Australia, I have only just joined too and am waiting for our Chocolate pup. He is also named Bailey...
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. This forum is so friendly and the site itself is so informative. I did not know it existed during...
Parkinson's is so difficult. The artist is a lovely man-we met him a couple of months ago. He is a chairman of a charity dedicated to building a...
Thank You. We think so!