Ha ha ,the trainer at the group I joined in the Summer said to scrape your nail down some really smelly blue cheese before the tests! I did the...
Ah Mags lots of 'proud ' opportunities for you at the moment xxxx Sounds like you had a really great trip ,wishing lots of success to your Son as...
Just chipping in a bit late ...for Dexter's Birthday on Thursday I made some 'pup' cakes .... In a bowl I put minced beef ,grated carrot and an...
Hi there, Did you alter her food at all whilst she had the upset tummy? That can have an effect....My dog is as regular as you like ,twice a...
Ah I hope I didn't make you sad saying it,just when you write about him I can tell what a massive gift he was to you,what wonderful justice you do...
Hi there , We've got one of these ... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nina-Ottosson-Treat-Maze-Activity/dp/B005PMQUXE We call it his flying saucer...
Gorgeous pictures,didn't he have a wonderful life with you? Spoiled rotten by everyone he met. We went to Venice on our honeymoon and have been...
Hi there,sounds pretty exhausting at the moment for you all. Fiona has mentioned that the crate doesn't need to be an area of punishment if you...
Hi there, What a worry for you ,I agree with a vet check,he could be in pain somewhere. Is he growling and showing these behaviours at the...
Hello everbody! Welcome to the Forum ,looking forward to reading a bit more about your dogs and their lives with you x
Hi there ,great to read that crocopup Cassie is receding! Looking forward to seeing some pics of her bye for now x
He he he,he is a very good boy but he's had ( still has!) his moments. We got him from a breeder in Scotland and the rules don't let you import...
Oh that's really horrible ,so glad to read he seems himself this morning,He sounds like he's being a very good patient for you. I hope you can get...
Hi Jyssica, I think I already chatted with you in another post ... We live in Dubai with Dexter our 4 year old yellow boy but I'm originally...
Hi and welcome from Dexter and I in Dubai
Ha ha ha every year I live in hope ......and push back the expectation for another year! :rofl:
Had a busy social week this week ending on the most important event.....Dexter's 4th Birthday yesterday ..... Annual humiliation in his party...
Hi there,is she a pretty confident dog? If she is then she probably thinks 'so what?' No offence ,I know she loves you :rofl: or maybe because you...
Or Dubai as coincidentally I've been looking for this this week for a recipe....I had to look long and hard and when I did find somewhere that...
Ah Lisa, am feeling for you with the cone..how is he doing with it ? It's always a nuisance to manage butnhe should be right now for when you go...