Hi there,I'm glad you've already had a few very reassuring responses.I haven't got a 'friendly' dog...by that I don't mean he's unfriendly ,he's...
And those you people you just ignore.....it's happened now and it might not be as bad as you think when you get home honestly Dexter spent a good...
Ah I've been there too,it can be exhausting sometimes when all the excitement comes together....lets go back to the beginning of your post and...
Evening TV viewing positions in our house ..... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Have a lovely well earned rest ...don't forget an ice cream cone for Holly,I did and Dexter still hasn't forgiven me!
Fiona they did so well....that was a lot of concentrated stimulae for them ..... Dexter spent the whole Summer sticking to his principles and not...
Dexter can be in the deepest slumber but the slightest noise or movement and he's awake and observant ....he'd never sleep through the house...
Hi there, Heavens above,smacking his face for jumping up...that would be enough to make me leave I'm afraid...... Turning your back ,crossing...
Hi there, I'm just stopping by to say we,come and enjoy your preparations.....not long to wait now x
Ah hi to you,sounds like you are really enjoying your dogs and it's great to read Bessie seems suited to the needs of your Son X Good on you...
This made me chuckle,what a boy! I loved the obedience classes I did over the Summer,whilst we are all there to learn and train out dogs the funny...
Ah poor Harley,hope it isn't bothering her too much and she got her normal bounce back? X
She's a little Scrummy one for sure.Purple suits her too,good colour choice x
Hi there, A question like this is going to give you a lot of different answers as we are all living in different parts of the world with...
Hinyiur other replies are totally correct,they do chuck up if they haven't digested properly and are very enthusiastic to help with the clean up...
Hello there from Dexter and I in Dubai,Nala is beautiful ,love the photo of her enjoying her car ride x
Ah enjoy the quiet time before the 'Nutty Puppy' arrives....but you'll still love her all the same....when she's asleep! He he he,only joking...
Hi there,Welcome to the Forum. Is she barking and stressed when she is in the house alone,I'm not sure from your post? If are describing a...
Ah so sorry to read they've both had an upset ,I know you worry about Rory but if t here's any consolation in this ,you know it's been a bit of...
Hello Antoine, Lovely to see you on the Forum and see you taking such a conscientious approach researching getting a puppy. It's a big undertaking...