Dad says that we're going sploring tomorrow. I'm so excited I wont be able to sleep.
Welcome to the forum. It sounds like Simba is starting to settle in to his new situation. Was Poppy a playful dog before this or has he/she...
Protect the rolls and ham?
Holly is in the dog house. This morning she dashed off into the woods. I assumed that it was just another roll, but when she didn't come back I...
Before Holly arrived we crawled around the house with our heads at puppy height looking for things that she would find interesting, like cables....
We acclimatized Holly in steps. Our aim was to get her accustomed to our going away, and leave her confident that we were coming back. We...
Maybe you could edit a few lines so you don't offend Pongo's sensibilities. "Shot down like the bonio snatcher that he was". Pongo will never...
Your training is now complete....
That's really clever.
Proud owner alert. Once again Holly halted on a finger snap. Its a system I use to get her attention when there's wildlife about. Today we came...
That's very good progress. Veering towards a sniff is a huge improvement. Its only a couple of month since he was pulling on a very tight lead...
Holly is spoiled. She has a bed in the living room that she uses for evenings and serious napping. There's a dog mat by the patio door that she...
You're not oversized. You're a hunk! Holly
Ive just found a fantastic bog. Its at the edge of one of my swimmy fetch ponds. I hadnt noticed it until i went mooching today. Its lovely and...
dad took me to the forest this morning. We had nice sniffy walk then played swimmy fetch at the dog dip. I met a yellow lab called Toby who...
I like my woods. Dad says there's sikswaremiles of fields and woods which is a lot. It has bogs and poo and deer and the occasional person on...
We've been very lucky as Holly is not a chewer. We've not made much use of crates either. Holly ( and all our dogs before her) had beds and made...
My mum and dad moved two summers ago. They did lots of paintingandcleaning too, and it was really boring. then we got to the new house and they...
Holly's "thing" is long sniffy walks. The longer the better! She'll play swimmy fetch if its just two of us and a nice bit of water but has...
I'll miss you big fella! I hope your paw is better soon.