:cwl:That''s a pretty apt description....
Ha ha... impulse control is a Good Thing when it comes to Christmas baking....
How wonderful! And I, too, am not sure who I''m more jealous of.... I think your mojo is coming back, Emily. And once you have your pup you will...
Wow, I was thinking much younger - 5 months? She is definitely a cutie-pie! Can certainly see Lab and Boxer in there, although she doesn't look...
Wow....looks Yummy for sure. But what exactly is glucose? Is that like corn syrup?
Ha ha....basically it just hurts to go outside. :|
Chicken!! :p
You haven't lived until you've gone for a dog walk when it's -11C with a wind chill of -25C. If you are bundled up it's not so bad when the wind...
Yes, it is weird how these labels have sprung up. From what I understand, the "American" lab is what they would call in the UK the "field" Lab,...
Aww poor Betsy and poor you! Having only had boy dogs in my life, I can't help you with this one. Hopefully it will be obvious when it happens...
Wow, interesting!! Looks gorgeous for sure! Not sure about the naked thing, though...:shake::$
Cows on beaches with dogs??? Umm....who's on poop patrol????
This works! I've done it before, and it made the dog that was racing towards us stop....for a moment or two, then it rushed again, and I did it...
Yes. This actually happened to me. It was awful. Little Westie who would run across the road every time we passed by, barking and aggressive, one...
Fantastic, I'm following you!
I feel your pain on the off-leash areas (or lack of them, Emily. It's like that here too. You just can't go wandering around in someone's field....
Good news all around to start your weekend. Yay!
Hmm. I'm not sure about this, either. I think I would need to know more about dog psychology. I guess I approach it a little differently. When my...
Do you have a dog park nearby? This is a great place for a dog to burn off some energy and you don't have to worry about leashes, etc. However it...
Hi and welcome! Your pup sounds lovely. Although I would agree that the weight is concerning. Might not be a bad idea to consult with the vet on...