So scrumptious and pup-dilly-icious....:inlove:
Glad to hear you are ok...must be scary, though.
Pollution could be an irritant rather than an allergen, couldn't it? "Stuff" in the air that irritates the eyes (says she, scientifically)....?
Hi there from the Great White North! We live in Alberta, Canada...whereabouts in the US are you?
Hi there and welcome! Check out the puppy board, there's lots of help and support there. Also the main site has some excellent advice and articles...
:hmm: Definitely something wrong with this picture....
:wasntme: Exactly....
I'm the one who feeds, walks, trains, and sees to the pooch's every comfort, but who does he cuddle with? Who does he adore? The OH, of course!!!...
Says every Labrador owner daily....:D
Absolutely gorgeous! Very jealous of your proximity to a beautiful beach...
It will interesting to see if you come up with anything. In the interests of simplicity, since you say it's worse in London, I like hazard a guess...
All those waddling bumbling puppies :heart: Bruce is so gorgeous! Hope he does well at Big School!! Can't wait to see little M settled in with...
It is odd. Hopefully you can come up with a cause. Or maybe she is just naturally stinky o_O
That is hilarious! I see what Julie means about the "pod of whales".... Simba was fast asleep and came racing downstairs and stood staring at me...
Sounds like definite progress made! Your firework displays must be quite in Canada we have July 1st (Canada Day) with one big...
I'm a little unclear as to what happened with your previous dog, but it sounds like he got sick and died, and you are not sure of the cause but...
Hi there, and welcome here! I'm not sure what you mean by "she doesn't smell from her body". Is it an intestinal problem resulting in gas? Or...
Hi there, and thanks for your questions. It is so very hard to have a puppy, there's just no two ways about it. Just like a human baby, they...
Yes, it really depends on the temperature. Believe it or not, there are dogs that sleep outside here in Canada where the winter temps can get to...
Wow, fantastic! Great to hear.