How long have you had your Lab? I would say this is probably a carry-over from wherever she was before. Obsessive licking can be a stress reliever...
Hi there and welcome! You are doing great with the toilet training, exactly right! There are loads of information on the main site about training...
Lovely Labrador having a lovely life! Happy Birthday Benson! :happyfeet:
You've been given good advice so far, just want to say try to not to be overwhelmed by it all. Pick one or two things and work on those. When you...
Yes! I've looked at the intro and the first vid. Basic stuff so far but it's good for a refresh. I'm interested in some of the games and whatnot....
So, it is officially winter here. We are currently getting a huge dump of snow (on top of the smaller dump we got last week) and I would say it's...
Wow, I bet that startled you! Poor Lady, what a fright she had. I don't suppose you would be able to arrange any safe interactions between the two...
:D:D There shall be no data left unused.....
Shoving a pill in a piece of cheese has worked great for me too. But to be honest, I think Simba would eat the pill without any inducements....
I have on,y ever had one dog at a time, but there are several members on the forum who have more than one. But I feel for you. Puppies are a lot...
:eek: Oh my goodness, how awful!!
I would echo Julie's recommendation to see a dermatologist if your vet has nothing more to offer you than suggesting the hair loss could be from a...
Snakes would be a worry. We have dangerous animals here, but they are not all that common for the most part, so although you do have to think...
Yes, that definitely looks odd. She might have some kind of allergy - there's something going on, that's for sure. Does she scratch a lot? The...
Well the battery incident probably took off a couple years off your life so it counts for all of these incidents all together!! :)
"Though she be but little, she be fierce." :)
Hi from Simba and I in Alberta, Canada! Kind s gorgeous. I love his style of eating/drinking!
Simba will get up and go stand looking at the door.
Yes. This is the dilemma I find myself in sometimes. For example, Simba found a sandwich wrapped in a plastic sandwich bag, and got it in his...
Poor Molly. I hope you are able to get to the bottom of it all and get a medication regime that will work for her.