Poor girl! Just catching up with this now. Hope she has turned the corner and is on the way to recovery. Gentle pats to her. :)
Don't worry, you are not alone and your puppy is a typical Lab. The biting is very normal, and it will eventually go away but you just have to...
Very frustrating! And I'm sure having the worry with your son's health makes it so much worse. Puppies sometimes just go through bouts of illness...
So scary. Hope Finn heals well.
Yes it is truly incredible how fast they can eat something once they know you want it. Keep an eye on her, as the others have said but she will...
10. The right to leave half your hair behind everywhere you go. Sharing the love, so to speak.
Yes, he is! I mean he will run at the fence and run along the fence a couple times but then he basically ignores them. It's like, "Well, if you...
Yes. I do wonder about the snow factor too. :( I haven't met them outside the fence, thankfully. I never see the owners walking them. They are a...
There are times when I am very glad I have a chain link fence between us and them!! This was taken from behind a window so you don't hear all the...
What a nightmare! Poor Finn and poor you. Hope he heals okay. Hugs to you both.
She looks a picture of health! Not long now, this month will fly by!
Good to hear Rolo is feeling better. Hopefully you can get down to the cause of it!
Hmm. Sounds like in all his "steady" leave scenarios they are treats you have placed for him to leave. How does he do on walks, when he comes...
Don't worry, you are in good company here. Lots of pondering over poo on the boards! :poop: Puppies tummies are tricky things sometimes. Have you...
I would not say this has anything to do with trying to get attention. Sounds to me like he's got an allergy to something and the itching is really...
Ooooo....how lovely. Sounds perfectly marvellous....
Oh, and @Emily_BabbelHund ....I just noticed you live in Florence??? How marvellous....what a beautiful place.....:inlove:
Ha ha! Nope, I have gone the traditional route and consulted the vet. So...he said cone for the next ten days or so, plus application of an...
[ATTACH] This is how it looks after some licking. Ok scrap the good intentions. Sigh. Back to the cone of shame for now, got a vet appointment for...