Beat me to it @snowbunny :). You can also walk to spell out names rather than figure 8s as it creates more focus on you, is more fun and is really...
Yay!!! Well done, a lovely update.
That's why you start but just feeding treats while he is in the car and you are standing/sitting with him. Being in a crate may help but if a pup...
Many pups don't like the car to begin with and it's something we have to work at to make it pleasant. So first steps are for pup to just be in the...
If you want a structured training plan which covers basic cues then 'Train your dog like a Pro' by Jean Donaldson is the book for you as she...
I thought this was a nicely written comment on negative reinforcers from the Karen Pryor website "the strength of the aversive can only be judged...
As soon as he goes to jump, turnaround and walk back to the door and wait for him to calm then try again. How is he when you get ready for a walk....
No, some dogs are just more bite than others :) . My new winners for the 'biteyness' crown has been awarded to a pair of JRT x Pug puppies - at 11...
Sorry but this can be 'punishment' for some dogs. We don't get to choose what is or is not aversive/punishing for a dog. It's why we advise to...
Happy Birthday Nell, a very special bundle of fur xxx
I allow free access to toys, as long as they are safe to be left although my girl has never been a chewer. She carries a soft toy to greet people...
I'm with @Beanwood and @snowbunny with regular weigh ins at the vet. I would definitely advise a chat with the vet first to set a weight for your...
Hi @ruth morris the crying in the car may be down to separation but I would still approach in the same way as you want her to be happy and not...
Hi @janesolo you've already received good advice from @Boogie to help with the puppy biting and it really is a matter of time and consistency in...
I would never advocate the use of aversive methods and find their use abhorrent; however aversive methods do work to train a dog and the dog's...
Hi @ruth morris it sounds to me that Peanut is reacting to too many changes at the same time. Change of sleeping in a box beside your bed to...
Yes it is possible to train a dog without treats, in the same way as it us possible to train using aversuve methods. Studies show us that the...
A 'Dudley is a term used to describe a yellow dog that has a brown gene instead of a block. It is noticeable that the nose is more pink instead if...
It takes a dog 3 to 4 weeks to really start settling into a home so you are still at very early days :(. Forget that Bowie is a year old and just...
The causes of the problems are really neither here nor there, you have to deal with the situation in front of you which is a dog lungeing towards...