Mmmm figs....lucky you! Moderation is all things is usually a good idea....:)
Hi there from a Canadian who enjoys your beautiful State while escaping from winter for a couple weeks in our condo in Palm Desert. Just got back...
Sorry you are discouraged! Try to stay positive though - the good news is that it is usually easier to get a dog back to where they were faster...
Sometimes I think we get fixated on what we think might be the cause for our dog's behavior but the real reason for it might be something...
It's absolutely normal for puppies (and dogs) to hump objects. Sometimes it's a favorite blanket, pillow or toy, sometimes it's other dogs, and...
Aw so sorry to hear that Gypsy had to be withdrawn. So much time and effort put in, and as you say she was so good at it. But at least she has a...
Just catching up - glad to hear things are going in the right direction. Comes are definitely no fun, I completely sympathize. Hope she continues...
Yes, I agree. I use a back fastening harness - mainly because when I first got it there were no other choices here (I live in a small town in...
Hopefully it will clear up on its own with no fuss. Fingers crossed here!
Yes, I agree with Stacia. Try not to read too much into her behaviour in terms of her not loving you anymore. She will come around, just give her...
So glad things are looking up! Glad you found us's so much easier when you have a tribe of people behind you. Believe me, we've all been...
Just got caught up with this wonderful thread....thanks for sharing your pics and videos, Mags! So gorgeous....I so admire your work with these...
Way to go, Stanley! Glad to hear things are going in the right direction! :fistbump:
It's too bad that the others who aren't with the program have Stanley for longer periods of time than you do. But all you can do is to keep at...
"FENTOOOOONNNNN....." :cwl::cwl: But Charlie is a Reformed Absconder and could teach Fenton a trick or two.....well done, Charlie boy!! :)
Ugh so awful. I'm not sure I could cope with rolling in/eating human poo. Thankfully we have not had to deal with this. So glad that Snowie is...
I suppose on the bright side, that nudging them over is better than the full on Labrador bounce that some Labs apply to small children.:p But I...
Just big enough to sleep is perfect! But as you say, it's tricky when she has stomach issues. I would perhaps stick to the food that she can...
Hi there. It's been a long time since I've had a puppy (present dog was acquired when he was 8-9 months old and toilet trained, previous dog...
Hello,,and welcome here. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time with your pup. There is no doubt that puppies are hard work at the best of...