I haven't yet but I've been reading articles on the Labradorsite. It sounds fabulous, though. I'll check it out.
He's completed his vaccines. We play indoors. I live in the city and there's not a lot of yard space but the inside space is okay. There's room to...
Bentley has a spot in the garage. :)
The vet said not to let him outside until his vaccines are done, just in case. And then he got the mange which made me even more paranoid. He...
When do they usually start and end teething? He's 15 weeks old now. probably is teething because he's trying to bite everything, his toys, my...
Hi! The insides of his ears are red. We took off he collar 2 days ago. Hopefully, his ears cool down soon. I mean, I love him just the same with...
Hi! Thanks! He never goes outside. He sleeps in my room, almost always on my bed and he's never had any contact with stray dogs. A friend of...
Hi! Thanks for the info. I told his original vet 6 times over a 6-week period (he was being vaccinated and dewormed at the time) that Bentley...
I really hope so. Fingers crossed! On the ears and the mange. Thanks!
Just wondering, what treatment did your dogs receive? I have 2 friends whose puppies had mange too and each of them got only 1 shot of ivermectin...
Hello everyone. And thanks for the warm welcome and replies! I'm happy I found this forum because a first time puppy owner and I freak out over...
Bentley is 15 weeks old now. A few weeks ago, he started itching and the vet said he has mange. Not sure where he got it from because he's an...