Happy buffday Holly. Sounds like a good one. I checked and apperantly nothing appart from looking cute as some buffdays last for ages
I am sure it will. Everything is always better after a good bounce or two or three or four or however many are needed
@Tammy Cooke just read your post on the train to work, sunnies are now on as eyes are all watery (plus I blame the hayfever). I have never been...
We managed a whole walk this morning where Vanilla did not say hello to a single dog. Either walked past nicely or sat and watched. Long time...
Vanilla has luckely never chewed anything in the car apart from her traveling teddy. But somehow we always have half the beach and sea :confused:
No not right at all, but you will have to be gentle with her when she comes back as she will need loads of cuddles and licks. Maybe she will bring...
I might do as they can't get anybody to come out for a week :eek:. it is too hot and Daddy has some fans on for me, it will be to hot again...
My hoomans put that on to yesterday when they came home. Then all I heard from them was '%$/^;'. It did not blow any cold air out...apperantly it...
Thanks I agree it is more of a personal prefrence. I just thought it was a strange comment given that you are most likely to meet dogs on walks....
Quinn - you have to tell your hoomans to by special visitor toys (they become yours when visitors are not around). That way you get extra toys ;)...
Ripple, Ripple such a good boy and enjoying himself clearly.
Fantastic news on Moo. Glad she is feeling better a lot clearly, and getting back to being bossy ;)
Hi all, Thought process that I figured was a bit strange and wanted to get others perspective. Our trainer made a comment a couple of weeks back...
I have missed a bit on here. Best of luck Mollie with your new adventure. Sure you will be a hit. @Boogie do you get to know how she/past pups get...
Very good thought and Agree. Through various reasons I have been like that for a very long time.
OK we have the first spell of warm weather, and our next door neighbour had the snake man out on Sunday as they found a snake. Did not catch it so...
He looks older than 9weeks, maybe you meant 9months Stanley?
Yes Coco it was funny, he laughed too. I am feeling better, think I drank to much water. Well the beach is out of bounds, not sure what that...
Sorry to hear.
I went to the beach toooooo. I did not see any off you though. I did see loads of other dogs and my new friend Cindy. She is just like me but...