If Snowie could read I’m sure he’d be begging to live in these cold temps. It’s over 30C here and the only place for walks is at the beach. The...
I’m assuming your vet tested for worms, especially tapeworm? With raw you might find feeding a different animal might cause weight gain. For...
Scary. Glad all ok. I must say, I wouldn’t be sweeping my finger inside the mouth as per pic - a stressed dog might clamp down hard... finger...
Haha I do the same! Glad she’s doing well.
Snowie only barks at me - to tell me to get a move on (when I stop to chat on a walk, or if we’re on our way out but I’m dawdling as far as he’s...
Eyes = immediate vet visit. Do not delay. Best of luck.
Our breeder gave strict instructions: no stairs at all until 6 months. We lasted till 4 months but then he got too heavy to pick up (14 kg). But...
My trainer said that before my boy even knew the walk was over that I should start playing a game of find the treat. So I’d toss a treat ahead of...
Lovely expression! So sorry for your loss.
I don’t know about LP. But my dog had kennel cough at 1.5 yo and he vomited every time he coughed - for TWO days!!!!! I felt so sorry for him. We...
Have you considered doggy daycare? That way he’s not at home to chew stuff. I realize this doesn’t help, say, for weekends when you might need to...
I don’t know anything about dealing with an anxious dog. But I have a very strong dog and I use a front-fastening harness on the chest if I know...
Thinking of you both
We’ve been trying to find a coffee table that will fit in our narrow lounge. I now realize how fortuitous it is that we’ve not found one (in 6...
That’s my dream!!! And I think Snowie’s, too! Just that small thing you call a job...
I actually don’t know her podcast. This was simply a TED talk that was in my random list. You’d think that everyone would be affected, yes. But...
I listened to a podcast some time ago about a woman who suffered anxiety and feeling her abode was haunted when she was at home. Ended up being a...
I second the “lie on your bed/mat” and get treats. However... you will probably never prepare food without having eyes on you at all times! We...
There’s a woman I see every now and then who has both dogs in the dog pram. I think they’re Shitzus. They all look very happy.
My boy is 6 yo and still intact. He definitely shows less “humpy” behavior now than he did when he was around 2-3 yo. For us, he’s definitely got...