So sorry to hear, very upsetting. She’s lucky she has you.
Glad you have a diagnosis. I hope you don’t go back to the first vet who said “it’s a male thing” to constantly drip wee like that. Agree with...
That’s why I feed my dog whole meat and bones that I can see - if I don’t understand the ingredients, then it worries me. In fact, for myself, I...
@Boogie what a stunning story! To travel by boat with your cat. But those two weeks must’ve been sickening - and what a relief when she was found!!!
My dog eats a raw meat and bones diet so he eats a lot of meat. In fact, the guidance for prey-model feeding is 80% muscle meat, 10% organs, and...
Now this I want to hear more about! You took a cat on holiday?? I’ve always thought cats will run home given half a chance. Please tell more!
What are you feeding her? If she’s eating raw meaty bones, dry and crumbly means too many bones, not too much meat.
Too funny!!
If he’s on Flagyl, I’d add a probiotic. Or feed homemade kefir (fermented milk - much, much better than store-bought yoghurt for the bacterial...
Happy birthday, Mabel! So lovely to keep up with her sisters - do they all just love each other?
I’m so sorry. What a devastating thing. I have no experience with this disease. I hope it is something you can treat and manage. My boy has...
Is he itchy anywhere else on his body?
Please elaborate. I um and ah about getting another...
What a relief!
Re the second question, I strongly believe you get out what you put in. My husband was most put out for years saying Snowie was my dog, jealous...
Stunning dog bed @Beanwood !
Shoplifting! I’ve had to part with cash on occasion when I had not gone into the store for treats! I am sure the tasty treats are put right there...
What a relief, great news.
So sorry to hear. I hope it’s harmless. I’ve seen lots of dogs and humans with lipomas - harmless fatty lumps. Best of luck and thinking of you both.
Ooh I smiled broadly when I read the clapping and cheering - what a proud moment for you!